Winter Programme on the United Nations and Global Challenges

Τετάρτη, 7 Σεπτέμβριος, 2016 | ΕκπαίδευσηΕυκαιρίες σταδιοδρομίας στην ΕΕ

000087-300x200A two-week study programme in International Affairs, at the heart of the Capital of Peace, with a focus on 2 areas:

– Understanding the UN system and its actors: a clear mapping of the United Nations system since its creation as well as its different working bodies and agencies.
– Re-inventing the United Nations: an exploration of challenges encountered by the United Nations and a debate on future perspectives for international cooperation.

Format : 26 hours of classes per week over 2 weeks

– Lectures with Faculty members from the Graduate Institute, Geneva
– Afternoon workshops and visits of the United Nations
– Small-group study and simulations
– Model United Nations: Conference simulation where students are transformed into diplomats/government officials and learn how to negotiate
– Roundtable on hot topic of international affairs
– Individual advising on post-graduate studies and career in international affairs
– Social events (optional) : discovery of the city of Geneva and friendly evenings with participants
– Lectures and discussions concepts and key issues of peace and security, human rights and humanitarian challenges, international development, North-South relations and the future of global governance.

Target group

The programme is open to junior and senior undergraduates with a strong interest in international affairs. A unique opportunity to network and create sustainable bonds!

Course aim

At the end of the 2 weeks, participants will be able to:

– Understand the core mission of the UN and how it frames some key global issues such as human rights and environment.
– Develop critical analyses on key issues of peace and security, human rights and humanitarian challenges, international development, North-South relations
– Debate on future perspectives for international cooperation, via conference simulations and role play as well as a couple of social events to get introduced to international Geneva.
– Discuss with academics and practitioners on what could be done to reinvent global governance in a time of high international uncertainties (prospective analytical tools)

Fee info

CHF 2800: The tuition fee includes teaching costs, course material and the use of Graduate Institute facilities. Tuition does not include travel costs to Geneva, accommodation or other living expenses in Geneva.

More information available here.

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