Θέσεις Εργασίας στην ΕΕ

NewJobAmnesty International, Berlin

Technologist, 13/04

European Shoah Legacy Institute (ESLI), Prague

Project Manager, 07/04

Bank for International Settlements (BIS), Basel

Security Instructor, 10/04

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), Parma

Toxicologist – RASA Department – BIOCONTAM Unit –

Temporary Agent AD 8 – EFSA/X/AD/2016/001, 14/04

European Investment Bank (EIB), Luxembourg

(Senior) Operational Assistant, 01/04

(Senior) HR Communication Officer, 01/04

Security Officer – Business Travel, 04/11

Senior / Principal Operational Assistant, 07/04

(Senior) Business Analysis Officer, 07/04

(Senior) Transaction Management Officer – Restructuring, 08/04

Lawyer(s) for EU Policy, Corporate and Regulatory Matters, 11/04

(Senior) Transaction Management Officer, 12/04

Project Financiers with a focus on the Dutch or Irish and UK markets, 13/04

Public Sector Loan Originator/Banker with a primary focus on the Slovenian market, 13/04

Loan Originator – Corporates & Banks, with a primary focus on the Italian market, 13/04

(Senior) Mandate Project Officer, 12/04

(Senior) Loan Officer, 15/04

State Aid Expert, 17/04

Railway Economist, 19/04

Equity / Structured Finance Risk Officers, 24/04

European Environmental Bureau (EEB), Brussels

Communications Officer, 04/04

European Climate Foundation (ECF), Berlin (preferably) or Brussels

Media Assistant, 03/04

IT Project Manager & QA Tester, 10/04

Deputy Finance & Grant Manager, 15/04

RTL Group, Brussels

European Affairs Policy Manager


Senior Cyber Security Expert (1 post) – DG-2016-AD/017, 21/04

Cyber Security Expert (1 post) – DG-2016-AD/047, 21/04

European Tyre & Rubber Manufacturers’ Association (ETRMA), Brussels

Director EHS and Climate Action, 04/04

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