Partner Search for Erasmus+ from Provincial School Board of Styria (Austria)

Τετάρτη, 18 Ιανουάριος, 2017 | Τα νέα του δικτύου μας

erasmusThe Provincial school board of Styria is kindly asking for some insider and expert’s help from other European regions. Of course we will in exchange provide information and help for other schools and school authorities who would need it.

To reply or for more information please contact Maria Pichlbauer at[email protected] or call her at 0043 676 8742 8967

For two Erasmus+ Staff Mobility Projects 2017 – 2019) the Provincial School Board of Styria is searching for Hosting Schools and/or high level teacher training courses:



Towards Improved language Production Through Ongoing Pedagogic training

–> We’re looking for schools (range of age 5 – 14 years) with a focus on language teaching who would be open to host Austrian (Styrian) teachers for a five-days job-shadowing visit.

Countries: Ireland, UK, Malta, Iceland, Nordic countries, Baltic countries, Slovenia

Interested schools should please provide their Erasmus+ PIC Number


Styrian Schools open borders 

Grenzenlos macht Schule – aus regional wird international

–> We’re searching for successful European schools (range of age 10 – 18 years) all over Europe who would be open to host Austrian (Styrian) teachers for a five-days job-shadowing visit. Interested schools should please provide their Erasmus+ PIC Number.

–> We’re searching for excellent training courses for our teachers/school leaders for the following topics:

– School Leadership and Educational management

– Social learning/integration/inclusive teaching and learning/diversity

– Modernisation of Teaching and of schools

– School autonomy

– Language learning/CLIL

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