Partner search: combating gender violence in the adolescent population

Τρίτη, 1 Μάρτιος, 2016 | Τα νέα του δικτύου μας

ee_geniki_1fixName of organization and location

Name of organization: ASSOCIATION ALAR GALICIA

Alar Galicia develops its activities in facilities located in C / Canella of Diputación, s / n, 1st floor, in the center of the city of Lugo 27001 Lugo

In this location, Alar Galicia has its headquarters and workshops functioning for individualized intervention work with groups at risk of social exclusion.

Description of the organization

Alar Galicia is a non profit organization that is configured as a Workshop of Social Services, in which different professionals combine their knowledge with the aim of working in the design and implementation of projects global performance based training, employment, social and personal accompaniment, with the aim of designing projects that modify the socioeconomic and labor shortages individuals and groups of difficult socio-labor incorporation.

Purpose of the search

We are looking for partners to generate debate and draw conclusions on how to combat gender violence in the adolescent population.


Contact details are FOLLOWING:

Tel / Fax: 0034 982 243316


E-mail: [email protected]

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