New Position at the Digital Heritage Research Lab, Cyprus University of Technology, Limassol


The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Informatics of the Cyprus University of Technology is looking for a Full Time Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher Position (ESR) in the field of New techniques for data storage and archiving of massive and complex amounts of 2D/3D/4D Cultural assets.

Position: Duration of three (3) months under full employment contract.
The monthly gross salary for this position will be 2650.50 Euro.
The fellow will work on: Development of Innovative methodologies for 2D, 3D and 4D Data capturing, including new metadata interface for tangible cultural heritage (2D/3D/4D forms),
New metadata schemas for tangible/intangible Cultural Heritage,
Innovative and automated methodologies for data storage
and archiving of massive and complex amounts of 3D/4D cultural assets.

Start of the fellowship: June 2017

Deadline for applications: 28 April 2017

More information:

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