Modernisation of Higher Education

Τρίτη, 3 Μάρτιος, 2015 | ΕκδόσειςΕκπαίδευση

Report to the European Commission on new modes of learning and teaching in higher education.

The higher education landscape is undergoing significant change as a result of technological innovations. We are witnessing changes in the way higher education is taught and in the way students learn. While the conventional setting of the lecture hall will continue to form the bedrock of higher education systems, it will be enhanced by the integration of new tools and pedagogies, and it will be complemented by many more online learning opportunities and a greater variety of providers in higher education. These new technologies and approaches to education are already having a clear and positive impact on higher education provision. They can support efforts within the Bologna Process and the European Union Modernisation Agenda to enhance the quality and extend the reach of higher education across Europe. And they are already starting to facilitate better quality learning and teaching for both on-campus and online provision, as educational resources from around the globe become more freely accessible and more interactive media for learning are employed. Methods of teaching can be better tailored to individual students’ needs and advances in learning analytics are enabling quicker feedback on students’ performance.

Download the full report here.

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