Master Programme in Philosophy, Politics and Economics – Bari 2017-2018


Τhe University of Bari has just launched the two-year Master programme in Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE).

The MA Programme, created by a team of researchers from different backgrounds in the fields of philosophy, politics, economics and law, is targeted at students with a specific interest in combining a preparation in the fundamentals of economics with philosophically informed studies that involve crucial political questions on, for example, globalization, climate change, social solidarity and migration flows. Those who have economics training in their Bachelor degrees will broaden their range of interests and understanding by being exposed to political problems and philosophical methods of analysis and normative reflection.

The MA Programme is a two-year course taught entirely in English that is meant to open up opportunities for work and further research beyond national borders for a generation of students from the Mediterranean area and beyond. The MA offers the opportunity to carry out a part of the studies leading to our PPE master degree in another European university, among which are Witten/Herdecke, Bayreuth, Graz, Stockholm, and Moscow.

In designing this course efforts have been made to combine its high degree of original interdisciplinarity – in its many examples across Europe and the U.S. – with the particular geopolitical location of Bari in the Med area. In fact, it aims to prepare students well aware of the variety of political and economic – not to mention social and legal – problems that emerge from the meeting and, sometimes, clash of cultures. Some of the courses reflect questions concerning political relations, religions, migrations and human rights in the Med area insofar as they relate to the European Union. Special attention will be dedicated to the general framework of ideas behind our Mediterranean interlocutors through “courses in Middle East international relations and political philosophy”.

The total cost is € 1.500,00. This amount can be paid in three installments according to the procedure published on the website .

Applicants are not required to have any specialized background in philosophy & economics, but if they have no background in economics they are required to take two propaedeutic courses in order to learn the foundations of economics. Applicants are not required any point average in the Bachelor grade but if applications outnumber places available, they will be evaluated also on the grounds of point average.

A good command of written and spoken English is required, at least up to the B2 level.

Students can apply for different forms of financial support. Foreign students from many EU and extra-EU countries may apply to scholarships offered by the Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs through its embassies and diplomatic representatives. Please check the website Deadline 10th May.

The Master start date is: 01 October 2017 (Winter Semester 2017–18).

For more information, please find them on the website

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