Τρίτη, 30 Αύγουστος, 2016 | Τα νέα του δικτύου μας

2Call for EST Ambassadors!

Always dreamt of becoming an Ambassador? This is your chance!
Are you inter­ested in the EU and would you like to con­trib­ute to nar­row­ing the gap between the EU and its students? Then apply for the pos­i­tion of EST’s Ambas­sador in your country now!

As EST Ambas­sador you are one of the key play­ers in our net­work. You are the main con­tact for your coun­try and an import­ant part of our grow­ing suc­cess. You will be respons­ible for pro­mot­ing the EST in your coun­try, writing for us, organizing your own events and build­ing a net­work of stu­dent con­trib­ut­ors! In short, you are the face of EST in your own coun­try. As we are still a young organ­isa­tion, there is also plenty of room for your own input, ideas and challenges.

We are cur­rently especially focused receiving applications from Ambas­sad­ors that will rep­res­ent us in the following EU Member States* (but we also accept submissions from all other EU member states):

*Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom.

Do you want to become an ambassador to a European country that is currently applying for EU Membership, belongs to the European Economic Area (EEA) or has other ties to the European Union that you deem important? Do not hesitate to contact us, so we can discuss a possible ambassadorship with this country as well!

We are look­ing for motiv­ated, pro­act­ive can­did­ates who have an excel­lent com­mand of Eng­lish and good writ­ten, verbal and social skills. In addi­tion, ambas­sad­ors are required to live in the coun­try they rep­res­ent and be famil­iar with the country’s higher edu­ca­tion system.

If you are inter­ested and would like to apply, please send an email with a motiv­a­tion let­ter and a resume to our International Officer Johannes Tropper at [email protected] 


‘Becom­ing EST Ambas­sador was a great decision and has allowed me to enjoy one of the most pleas­ant and enrich­ing exper­i­ences of my extra­cur­ricular life.’ –Raluca Idor, EST Ambas­sador to Romania, about her exper­i­ence with the EST.



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