Familiar Strangers or the Other Side of the Big Pond

Familiar Strangers or The Other Side of the Big Pond: Time to re-learn our neighbours!

Δευτέρα, 1 Φεβρουάριος, 2021
Have you ever wondered what the US citizens think when they hear about the European Union? Or what are the misconceptions that the European citizens have about the people living on the other side of the Atlantic? Well, there is no need to wonder anymore! The Europe Direct Information Centre hosted at the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) has launched an internship programme, specifically designed for the College Year in Athens students! The main purpose of this endeavor is simple: This project aims at mapping and better understand perceptions that people living on the two sides of the Atlantic have about each other. More particularly, the project will try to shed light on how European citizens view American citizens and the USA in general and vice versa. The project will start with an academic review on perceptions held by people; what does the academic research has to offer in terms of how each society see each other? Then, we will put these theories to the test with interviews from US and EU citizens that live in the USA, the EU and in the diaspora. How do they view each other, especially in the light of recent events?

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