Call for applications for the European Public Sector Award – EPSA 2015

Πέμπτη, 5 Φεβρουάριος, 2015 | ΒραβείαΕκδηλώσεις

The European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA) announces that its European Public Sector Award – EPSA 2015 is open for applications until 17 April 2015.

We are inviting innovative and efficient performers from the public sector across Europe to present their work and to become part of an extensive European network of public sector excellence.

Under the overarching theme “The Public Sector as Partner for a Better Society”, EPSA 2015 will showcase and reward cases from the European public sector that embrace public administrations as partners in co-design and co-management of public service delivery, innovative knowledge management and leadership approaches, as well as optimisation of management of public funds.

EPSA 2015 is open to European public sector institutions from all administrative levels, as well as public sector enterprises, agencies and public-private partnerships. The lead applicant must be a public sector institution or authority – other applicants (in a consortium), can for example be private companies, semi-public institutions, NGOs, universities or training institutions.

All necessary information about EPSA 2015 (call text, who can apply, how to apply etc.) can be found on where applicants can also register and submit their on-line applications.

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