CALL FOR APPLICANTS 2024-2025: Master’s Programme in Southeast European Studies: Politics, History, Economics

Πέμπτη, 2 Μάιος, 2024 | NEAΕκπαίδευση

Master’s Degree in Southeast European Studies: Politics, History, Economics: The Call for applicants for the academic year 2024-2025 is now launched. 

The Master’s Degree in Southeast European Studies was launched after the Yugoslav Wars as part of an international initiative with the aim of contributing to the promotion of peace, democracy and reconciliation in the region by bringing together young people from across Southeastern Europe to learn with and from each other. The Programme has a strong international character and since its launch in 1999, has welcomed students from 44 countries. Southeastern Europe offers an excellent vantage point from which to study major issues like democratic backsliding, state-building, asylum and migration management, economic crisis, climate policy, conflict resolution, and European Union Enlargement. Our one-year Programme, taught exclusively in English, is interdisciplinary and examines this key region from multiple perspectives in the social sciences.

-Taught in English

-Highly qualified professors

-International student body

-Citizens of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo (under UNSC Resolution 1244), Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and North Macedonia are eligible to apply for a fee waiver.

Learn about history, politics, economy, foreign affairs, conflict and the crisis in the Balkans, Greece and Turkey

For more information visit:

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