Call for EVS in France

Δευτέρα, 9 Ιανουάριος, 2017 | Τα νέα του δικτύου μας

volunteerEVS Vacancy in the Regional Youth Information Center of Caen (FRANCE)

Project description

The CRIJ provides a free, confidential information service to young people on a wide range of subjects (careers, rights, leisure…). The European volunteer will be part of the Europe Direct Unit in charge of European and international issues in the CRIJ: information about the European Union, its specific working, its policies, with a priority given to the Erasmus+ programme and international mobility opportunities for young people.
Proposed activities:
– Dissemination of the Europe Direct pedagogical resources
– Creation of “home-made” pedagogical materials
– Public events (festivals, fairs)
– School visits (management of activities with pupils, or participation as a concrete example for European mobility describing to young people his/her mobility experience).
– Communication: website moderation, creation of communication tools
– Events organization
– Writing tasks (depending on linguistic progress): radio programme, articles and interviews for the website /Facebook.

Accommodation, food and transport arrangements

The association is located in the city Centre of Caen in Normandy (FRANCE),which guarantees an easy access to all shops, public services and transport. No food is directly provided by the organization, but the volunteer will receive monthly a financial help.
The volunteer will stay in a student dormitory so that he/she can meet other young people on site. The accommodation will be located in Caen, the volunteer will be able to use the public transport and to enjoy the proximity of all services.A bus pass for the whole volunteering period will be provided.

Training during the project

Support: 2 people in the Europe Direct staff: the chief in charge of the activities and the mentor. Both of them are previous European volunteers. One external mentor.

Volunteer profile

The CRIJ will treat equally all applications.
We will pay a special attention to human qualities that will make the volunteer feel comfortable with the Europe Direct activities.
• Interest for the European issues and intercultural relations. • Motivation for getting in touch with a lot of different publics.
• Curiosity • Taste for activities with children or young people
• Desire for independence, • Interest for pedagogy
A driving license would be an advantage since you might need to travel through the region

How to apply

Please send:
CV + letter of motivation (French or English)
By post or by e-mail
After a pre-selection, we will have a skype- or phone-call.
We would also like to have an interview with the sending organization, before making any definitive choice.

Application Deadline: 29/01/2017

Project Dates: A total of 43 week(s) during the period Oct 2017 to Jul 2018



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