Call for application for the 2017 NCG European citizenship initiatives Forum in Nantes

Τρίτη, 9 Μάιος, 2017 | Τα νέα του δικτύου μας

You are aged 18-30 ? You are leading an project designed to strengthen the no­tion of citizenship, of » living together in your city ? »  Come to present and share it in Nantes (France) with more than 60 other participants and 30 innovative projects from all over Europe !

Together with local associations, Nantes Metropole and the City of Nantes are organizing the 9th edition of Nantes Creative Generations Forum on 25-28 October 2017.

Everywhere in Europe, from Amsterdam to Séville, from Warsaw to Nantes, young citizens create, engage and innovate in order to strengthen life quality in their community. Fight against discriminations, reinforcement of relations between citizens, solidarity, protection of the environment, artistic collaboration – every initiative is unique but all of them pursue a common objective : to strengthen the notion of “living together”.

In order to allow these young people to meet, to learn and perhaps to experiment with new forms of projects with a European dimension, the Nantes Creative Generations Forum brings together every year participants from Nantes and Europe to present a concrete initiative. The objective is to encourage and stimulate European exchanges so that they can go further together.
Over the course of 4 days in Nantes, more than 60 participants are invited to:

-Present a concrete initiative, share experiences and best practices

-Develop skills in setting up projects in Europe;

-Meet potential future partners with a view to setting up across-border projects which could be funded by the NCG Cooperation Award;

-Take part in city visits, cultural and social events.

As well as showcasing their own projects, participants will have the opportunity to learn from peers across Europe and gain better understanding of the european dimension of local projects. A unique opportunity to develop a project, reinforce / create a network, exchange good practices, etc.

Useful info : Transport, food and accommodation costs of participants are covered by the organizers (Maximum 2 participants per project. See details in application form).

Interested to join? It is simple ! You just need to :

-Be aged 18-30

-Live in Nantes or any European country (Council of Europe member States + Belarus)

-Present a concrete initiative

-Apply by filling the on-line application form before 1st June 2017

More information about the programme, other projects presented, photos, videos, etc. check out our :

-Website :


-Twitter :

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