Ευρωπαϊκές εκλογές 2024: Every single vote matters

Δευτέρα, 13 Μάιος, 2024 | NEAΕυρωεκλογές 2024

In one month, 9 of June, 370 million Europeans will be invited to the ballot boxes in one of the biggest democratic exercises in the world and it is very much thanks to you that many will use their democratic right. 

This is a right that is not a given. A right that generations before us have had to fight for. A right that we must defend. 

So, on Europe Day, we can look back to 1950 with inspiration from that idea of building a European community of freedom and rights.


A Europe where war is unthinkable and materially impossible, but also one on which we base dreams and build opportunities grounded in the fundamental values of freedom, the rule of law and democracy. My message to you is this: continue to encourage your friends and family to vote. Because the more people vote, the stronger democracy becomes.

Every single vote matters.

«Do not take Europe for granted. Defend it. Shape it. Be it. Vote.»

Roberta Metsola, President of the European Parliament  

Take a moment and listen to these testimonials of Europeans who each have a very personal story to tell about democracy.  

Their messages are part of the campaign to encourage voter participation. Their stories leave no one indifferent. 

Watch the #UseYourVote video and help us spread the video and the messages to your friends and family to use their vote.

Watch the #UseYourVote video


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