CALL FOR APPLICANTS 2019-2020: Master’s Programme in Southeast European Studies: Politics, History, Economics

Πέμπτη, 6 Ιούνιος, 2019 | NEAΕκπαίδευση

Master’s Degree in Southeast European Studies: Politics, History, Economics: The Call for applicants for the academic year 2019-2020 is now launched. 


The Programme has an excellent student-teacher ratio, and a strong international character, actively encouraging the participation of students from around the world. During its nineteenth-year-old history, it has received more than four hundred students from thirty seven different countries. Programme Alumni are employed across the globe in government, business, the academia, NGOs and international organizations.

-Taught in English

-12 months duration

-Highly qualified professors

-International student body

Learn about history, politics, economy, foreign affairs, conflict and the crisis in the Balkans, Greece and Turkey

For more information, see here.


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