Partner Search for Erasmus+ Sport

Τετάρτη, 30 Νοέμβριος, 2016 | Τα νέα του δικτύου μας

plithismos_fixLocal Project Title  – Sport Aberdeen in the Community

Background:  A unique selling point of Sport Aberdeen is that we have sports centres in different communities across Aberdeen city.  However, we recognise that there are still some gaps in provision, and that lack of easy access to a local facility offering appropriate activity options can be a barrier to supporting people to improve their health and wellbeing, especially in areas of higher deprivation. 

What we are looking for:  We would like to investigate ways of delivering “Sport Aberdeen in the Community” where alternate community venues e.g. community centres, care homes, or even bingo halls are used to host activities to help improve the health and wellbeing of people in these local communities and help reduce health inequalities.

Why do we see a need for doing this:  Research suggests that for some, these non-traditional venues may be less threatening to an individual compared to a typical sports centre and therefore would be more appealing as a location for those that would not ordinarily engage in physical activity.  Similarly some locations simply lack any sport centre provision and therefore for those for whom mobility or access to transport is an issue or barrier there is a need to look at alternative options within their community.

Experience:  Sport Aberdeen has some very limited experience of delivery physiotherapy lead classes in two community locations across the cry and has established links with partners in a care home and sheltered housing complexes who would like to explore innovative ways of delivery. 

What partners are we looking for: We would appreciated the opportunity to learn from other approaches taken by other cities to help shape both the design and delivery of this project more broadly.

If you are interested in being a part of this project please contact Susan Fraser [email protected] by the 20th January 2017. 

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