MOOC on KA1 and KA3-E+ Youth-31/10-04/12/2016

Τρίτη, 11 Οκτώβριος, 2016 | Τα νέα του δικτύου μας

3rd-mooc-youth-imageSALTO Youth Participation RC in cooperation with the National Agency of E+ Programme (Youth) from Italy, Hungary, Croatia, Slovakia, Iceland and Poland is pleased to inform you that the enrollement for the third edition of the MOOC on Erasmus+ started! The cherry on the cake: this year, we add a totally new module on KA3 and the Structured Dialogue!

The idea behind the MOOC on Erasmus+ is to provide necessary knowledge and understanding for unlimited number of people about Erasmus+ YiA Programme in an open, flexible and cost-effective way. The MOOC is an alternative to physical learning mobility courses because all the learning content is delivered through an online learning management system. This third edition MOOC on E+, running from 31 October till 04 December 2016 , is expected to guide the participants through Key Action 1 Mobility Project for Young People and Youth Workers (youth exchanges, EVS and mobility of youth workers) and Key Action 3 Structured Dialogue. The participants will be trained in order to have a better understanding of the philosophy of the E+ YiA programme, to develop quality projects matching formal and quality criteria and also to create space for networking and building partnerships among the participants.

By following this link or this link the participants can already enrol for the Course starting on 31 October and finishing on 04 December 2016. The MOOC is FREE OF CHARGE, unlimited “seats” and No requirements are needed. There are also subtitles for the videos in German, Hungarian and Polish!

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