International Master in European Project Planning and Management

Παρασκευή, 30 Σεπτέμβριος, 2016 | ΕκπαίδευσηΕυκαιρίες σταδιοδρομίας στην ΕΕ

indexThe objective of the International Master in European Project Planning and Management is to provide participants with the skills to successfully work in the field of European cooperation, through the use of fundings made available by the European Comission.

The target group of the Master are graduates in any discipline. The pre-requisites are: university degree and a good knowledge of English.

The Master course’s programme is organized in two main modules:

-European Project Planning

-European Project Management

The information about the previous editions of the master course is available.

The coordinator, of the Master course is Pixel an education and training institution based in Florence (Italy) having as its main aim the provision of support to European Cooperation for public and private organizations. For the implementation of the International Master, Pixel cooperates with a number of European Partners who are also very experienced in European project planning and management and who are willing to offer an internship to all participants in the Master.

The trainers involved in the Master in European Project Planning and Management represent several European countries. They all have 15 to 20 years of experience in planning, managing, assessing and auditing European projects. The trainers involved are: senior European project planners, senior European project managers, officers of the European Commission, officers of the National Agencies managing European Programmes, evaluators for the European Commission and the National Agencies, auditors of European projects etc.

The International Master in European Project Planning and Management has a total duration of 5 months (800 hours). For the first two months the master course is held at Pixel site, in Florence (Italy), Monday through Friday, full time.
In the following three months, the international internship is organized.

The three months internship is an integral part of the Master. It is organized taking into account the profile, needs and expectations of both each participant and each host organization, so as to make the internship experience very beneficial for both.
The internship provides the Master’s participants with the opportunity to work as an Assistant European Project Manager in an organization, with long experience in planning and managing European projects. The host organizations are based throughout Europe.

The language used in the Master course is English

The location where the Master course is held is Pixel’s headquarters, in Florence (Italy).

The fifth edition of the International Master in European Project Planning and Management starts on 10 October 2016.

In the period 10 October to 9 December 2016, the master course is held at Pixel site, in Florence, daily, Monday through Friday from 9:00 to 18:00.

In the period January to March 2017, the international internship is organized for all participants.

There are 7 good reasons why this Master should be chosen:

-The practical focus of the training contents.

-The skills, experience and expertise of the international teaching staff.

-The skills, experience and expertise of the coordinator of the Master.

-The practical project planning and management activities organized in the Master’s framework.

-The international internship with the role of assistant European project manager.

-The international environment of the Master.

-The opportunity to improve language competencies in European English.

The enrollment fee is 3 600 euro. It includes:

-Participation in the Master

-Teaching material

-Organization of the international internship

Those who wish to enroll in the European Project Planning and Management Master course should fill in the Registration Form, available in the Enrollment section.

For further information on the European Project Planning and Management Master course, please contact:

Training Course Secretariat
Via Luigi Lanzi 12 – 50134 Firenze
Tel. 055-48 97 00 – Fax. 055-462 88 73
e-mail: [email protected]

Please download the Master Brochure


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