8-11 July 2016 – Summer School “EU Area of Freedom, Security and Justice” (Zagora, Pelion, Greece)

000087-300x200Τhe International Summer School in the “EU Area of Freedom, Security and Justice” aims to advance understanding of the law, policies, challenges and dynamics in the integration process of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (ASFJ).

The Summer School offers to all participants a unique opportunity to meet multi-disciplinary faculty from Greek and EU Universities. The Summer School is held in Zagora, on Mount Pelion. Pelion is one of the most beautiful mountains in Greece and a popular tourist attraction throughout the year.

The Summer School is organized by the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence at the University of Macedonia, Greece. The academic director of the Summer School is Assistant Professor Despina Anagnostopoulou, Director of the UNESCO Chair at the University of Macedonia and academic coordinator of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence.

The programme is addressed to:
– University Students of graduate and undergraduate level.
– Public officials working primarily in the field of EU integration.
– Lawyers, judges, social and political scientists and other professionals from non-governmental organizations and think- tanks who wish to enhance their skills and knowledge on the AFSJ.

Τhe programme will be structured in 5 cycles, exploring the various challenges in the Area of Freedom Security and Justice.

The modules will provide in-depth knowledge in a broad range of thematic areas such as:
o Citizenship of the European Union
o Free movement and Schengen
o EU Internal and External Security
o EU immigration policy
o EU asylum policy
o Judicial Cooperation in civil and commercial matters
o EU Criminal Law and judicial cooperation

Application deadline: July 5, 2016
You can find the application form here. 

Please complete your application form in English and submit it by email at [email protected] or [email protected].

Admission requirements
A good knowledge of English and the demonstration of a strong interest in the topics of EU are preconditions for a successful application.

The Summer School will be able to provide two scholarships under the condition that there are at least 20 registrations, and the applicants demonstrate high academic record and proof of economic inability. The scholarship covers only the tuition fee and does not cover travel, meals and accommodation, but arrangements have been made for the best possible prices.

Cost of the Programme

The tuition fees amount to 350 Euros if registration and payment is made before June 10 (Early birds). Registration after June 10: 420 euros Tuition fees include:
All handouts (sent by email)
Welcome cocktail party
Coffee breaks and light lunch
A reduction 10% is granted for groups of 3-5 students.

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