Partner search for school mutual Exchange

Δευτέρα, 5 Οκτώβριος, 2015 | Τα νέα του δικτύου μας

indexΑ secondary school, named “SMS di Via Revel” in the city centre of Turin, a beautiful city in the north west of Italy, for years have successfully carried out students exchanges with different schools from other European countries using English as language of communication.

They usually involve class groups of students aged 13/14.

They would be interested in a mutual exchange of home hospitality for 6/7 days with students class groups coming from any European country. Each school should support travel expenses to get to the hosting country and activities expenses when they host.

Students’ families are very nice and hospitable.

In case you are interested, please send an e mail to [email protected], to arrange every detail.

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