Μεταπτυχιακό πρόγραμμα στις Ευρωπαϊκές σπουδές από το Πανεπιστήμιο του Μάαστριχτ

Δευτέρα, 9 Ιανουάριος, 2017 | ΕκπαίδευσηΕυκαιρίες σταδιοδρομίας στην ΕΕ

maastrichtHow can we understand the EU’s response to the financial crisis or to the confrontation between Ukraine and Russia? How do we account for the EU’s reaction to the refugee crisis provoked by conflicts in the Middle East and North Africa? What is Europe’s peacekeeping role and capacity? The master’s programme in European Studies trains you to answer these complex questions.

Because you cannot study Europe from just one angle, the programme examines global developments and multi-level governance in a broader context, combining political science, history, international relations, economics and cultural studies. This student-centred, interdisciplinary programme is among the largest, and certainly the most international, in Europe and has an excellent reputation. You will study the internal and external dimensions of European policy, governance and administration. The focus is on the underlying issues of power and influence, governance and culture within the European milieu and between Europe and the wider world.

Πηγή: maastrichtuniversity

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